My name is Oz Brown and I am a Java/Spring Web Applications/Microservices Software Engineer with Full Stack On-Prim and AWS experience.

What kind of exciting engineering/development am I up to these days (Summer 2019)? In my spare time I am evolving the following:

  • Development/Integration: Refreshing the Java and Spring libraries in my ogbrown-courses demo app. This is a monolithic Web Application using Thymeleaf to template the front-end.
  • CICD/DevOps: Setup a Docker/Jenkins based CICD environment to build and deploy all of my projects.
  • Engineering/Development/DevOps: Creating a CICD pipeline for a new ogbrown-courses-rest RESTful Web Service demo.  This is a monolithic Java/Spring-Boot RESTful Web Service.
    • Engineering/Development/DevOps: Creating a CICD pipeline for a new ogbrown-courses-ng front-end demo.  This is an Angular 8 Web Application which consumes the ogbrown-courses-rest RESTful Web Service.
  • Testing/DevOps: Use a Docker MySQL database for more accurate Integration Testing in the Jenkins CICD pipeline.
  • Engineering/Development/DevOps: Creating a CICD pipeline for a couple of new RESTful Web Microservices demos, ogbrown-courses2-rest/pages and ogbrown-courses2-rest/courses.  These are Java/Spring-Boot RESTful Web Microservices that are also Event Driven for changes to the business data.
    • Engineering/Development/DevOps: Creating a CICD pipeline for a new ogbrown-courses2-ng front-end demo.  This is an Angular 8 Web Application that consumes the smaller microservices.
    • Cloud Engineering/DevOps: Setup AWS CF scripts for SNS Topics and SQS Queues to support the RESTful Microservices Architecture needed for the  ogbrown-courses2-* redesign.
    • Engineering/Development/DevOps: Creating a CICD pipeline for a new ogbrown-courses2-admin-ng front-end demo.  This is an Angular 8 Web Application that allows an administrator to publish CREATEs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs to an AWS SQS queue to be consumed by subscribers.
  • Cloud Engineering/DevOps: Migration of a Web Server from a manually deployed AWS EC2 Amazon Linux AMI to a Cloud-Formation deployed Amazon EC2 Amazon Linux 2 instance or Fargate instance.